a.kelly coaching and consulting provides individualized facilitation and leadership workshops to assist leaders of colors achieve their  professional goals. With an emphasis on restorative and somatic methods.

a.kelly coaching and consulting services include:

Somatic Coaching

Leadership Workshops

Restorative Facilitation

a.kelly Coaching Method

  • Values

    It all starts by learning what’s most important to you. Highlighting the values you want to embody as a part of your leadership ethos.

  • Reflect

    Next, we will build on your capacity for reflection by creating milestones to encourage and affirm your development.

  • Commit

    The last step? What steps are important to move your vision forward?

a.kelly coaching and consulting provides individualized facilitation and leadership workshops to assist leaders of colors achieve their  professional goals. With an emphasis on restorative and somatic methods.
I started my coaching method with one goal in mind: to help people build their capacity to love more deeply through their work, relationships, and life. My background in social work, transformative justice and nonprofit management combined with my personal interest in building deep community connection supports leaders of color in achieving their highest visions of community.
— a.kelly

SO-MAT-IC (adjective)

relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind.

a.kelly coaching and consulting provides individualized facilitation and leadership workshops to assist leaders of colors achieve their  professional goals. With an emphasis on restorative and somatic methods.

RE-STOR-A-TIVE (adjective)

having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being.